Moving and agency in old age
This study combines approaches coming from social gerontology, sociology, health sciences and social policy. The study focuses on older people’s housing and moving solutions and reasons to move. In particular, the study is interested in decision-making and the role played by different people as decision-makers in moving decisions. Second, the study is interested in the meaning given to living environment, social relations, health and age and ageing in moving decisions. The study employs data coming from research project ’Moving in Old Age: Transitions in Housing and Care’ (MOVAGE 2011-2015). The theoretical goal of the research is to apply concepts of ’housing pathways’, agency and identity in housing research. The research gives also information on older people’s wishes and reasons to move for the development of housing policy and social policy.
The research plan includes several mobility periods (University of Linköping, University of Leeds, National Yang-Ming University, University of New South-Wales). The study will be conducted 1.1.2012 – 37.7.2014.
Principal investigator
Post-doctoral researcher Outi Jolanki, PhD. outi.jolanki[at]jyu.fi
Academy of Finland
The National Institute of Health and Welfare, Aalto University, Tampere School of Public Health, University of Tampere; University of Linköping; University of Leeds; National Yang-Ming University; Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Gerontology; University of New South-Wales
Selected publications
Jolanki, O. (2012) Whose business it is anyway? Distributing responsibilities between family members and formal carers. In Discourse and Responsibility in Professional Settings. Eds. J-O Östman & A. Solin. Series Communication in Organisations and Professions. Equinox Publishing, London. December 2012.
Jolanki, O. (2009) Agency in talk about old age and health. Journal of Aging Studies, 23 (4), 215–226.
Jolanki, O. (2009) Talk about old age, health and morality. In. Valuing Older People. A Humanist Approach to Ageing, pp.261-274. Eds. R Edmondson & H-J von Kondratowitz. Policy Press, Bristol.