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Jyväskylän yliopisto

  • Kankaanpää, Anna. 2024. Genetic and environmental influences on biological ageing across different age: epigenetic clocks as markers of biological ageing. (gerontologia ja kansanterveys)
  • Hyvärinen, Matti. 2024. Physical activity, menopausal symptoms, and cardiometabolic health during the menopausal transition. (gerontologia ja kansanterveys)
  • Eskola, Päivi. 2023. Vastavuoroisesta parisuhteesta hoivasuhteeksi? Muistisairaus parisuhteessa. (gerontologia ja kansanterveys)
  • Löppönen, Antti. 2023. Free-living sit-to-stand kinematics as an indicator of lower extremity physical function. (biomekaniikka)
  • Karppinen, Jari. 2023. Menopause, Physical Activity, and Whole-Body Metabolism with an Emphasis on Resting Energy Expenditure, Fat Oxidation, and Serum Metabolome. (liikuntalääketiede)
  • Juppi, Hanna-Kaarina. 2023. Associations of the menopausal transition with body composition : examining the influence of hormonal changes, muscle RNA signaling and lifestyle habits. (gerontologia ja kanasanterveys)
  • Juntunen, Kristiina. 2023. Omaishoitajien jaksamisen arviointi ja kuntoutuksen vaikutukset jaksamiseen ja elämänlaatuun. (gerontologia ja kansanterveys)
  • Tirkkonen, Anna. 2023. Cognitive and physical functions among middle-aged and older people: A special emphasis on executive functions and walking. (gerontologia ja kansanterveys)
  • Leppä, Heidi. 2022. Walking modifications as facilitators of mobility in old age. (gerontologia ja kansanterveys)
  • Savikangas, Tiina. 2022. Physical activity among community-dwelling older adults : relationships with body composition and physical capacity, and the effects of physical and cognitive training, multimorbidity patterns, and executive functions. (gerontologia ja kansanterveys)
  • Bondarev, Dmitriy. 2022. The role of physical activity in the relationship between menopausal status, physical performance and mental well-being. (gerontologia ja kansanterveys)
  • Joensuu, Laura. 2022. Longitudinal study on physical fitness characteristics in adolescents with special reference to the determinants of change and associations with perceived health. (liikuntalääketiede)
  • Palmgren, Lotta. 2021. Associations of sleep characteristics and fatigue with physical activity patterns and unmet physical activity need in old age. (gerontologia ja kansanterveys)
  • Koivunen, Kaisa. 2021. Resilience in old age : physical performance and psychosocial factors in changing sociohistorical contexts and as resources in adversities. (gerontologia ja kansanterveys)
  • Suominen, Tuuli. 2021. Adaptive responses of aging bone to physical exercise : masters athletes and patients with hip fracture as a research model. (gerontologia ja kansanterveys)
  • Keskinen, Kirsi. 2021. Features of the physical environment, walking difficulty, and physical activity in old age. (gerontologia ja kansanterveys)
  • Siltanen, Sini. 2020. Psychological resources as modifiers of the association between mobility decline and activity in old age. (gerontologia ja kansanterveys)
  • Khoda, Sher-E. 2020. NGOs’ Capacity Building and Mission Drift : Commercialization of Microfinance Programs and Poverty Reduction in Bangladesh. (yhteiskuntapolitiikka)
  • Leinonen, Emilia. 2020. Perhehoitoa paikantamassa – ikääntyneiden perhehoito formaalin ja informaalin rajalla. (yhteiskuntapolitiikka)
  • Koskinen, Veera. 2020. Building skills for lifelong wellness: An empirical study on the wellness-oriented lifestyle. (sosiologia)
  • Polku, Hannele. 2020. Associations of hearing difficulties, life-space mobility, quality of life and depressive symptoms among older adults. (gerontologia ja kansanterveys)
  • Vasara, Paula. 2020. Väistämättömyyksiä ja valintoja – kertomuksia ikäihmisten asumispolulta. (yhteiskuntapolitiikka)
  • Kekäläinen, Tiia. 2019. Leisure activities and well-being in midlife and older age with special reference to physical activity and resistance training. (gerontologia ja kansanterveys)
  • Kangas, Reeta. 2018. Aging and microRNA messaging : associations with systemic estrogen levels and physical performance. (gerontologia ja kansanterveys)
  • Poranen-Clark, Taina. 2018. Relationship between cognitive performance and mobility over the life course. (gerontologia ja kansanterveys)
  • Riikonen, Merja. 2018. Muistisairaan ihmisen kokemukset teknologiasta osana arkea – turvaa vai tunkeilevuutta. (gerontologia ja kansanterveys)
  • Pynnönen, Katja. 2017. Social engagement, mood, and mortality in old age. (gerontologia ja kansanterveys)
  • Tsai, Li-Tang. 2017. Walking, physical activity and life-space mobility among older people. (gerontologia ja kansanterveys)
  • Saajanaho, Milla. 2016. Personal goals in old age : relationships with resources in life, exercise activity, and life-space mobility. (gerontologia ja kansanterveys)
  • Äijö, Marja. 2015. Aktiivinen elää pidempään: fyysinen aktiivisuus, sydänsairaudet ja kokonaiskuolleisuus iäkkäillä ihmisillä. (gerontologia ja kansanterveys)
  • Eronen, Johanna. 2015. Disparities in physical activity in old age. (gerontologia ja kansanterveys)
  • Salpakoski, Anu. 2014. Mobility recovery after hip fracture and effects of a multi-component home-based rehabilitation program. (gerontologia ja kansanterveys)
  • Lihavainen, Katri. 2012. Mobility limitation, balance impairment and musculoskeletal pain among people aged ≥75 years: a study with a comprehensive geriatric intervention. (gerontologia ja kansanterveys)
  • Pakkala, Inka. 2012. Depressive symptoms, sense of coherence, physical activity and genetic factors among older people. (gerontologia ja kansanterveys)
  • Pöllänen, Eija. 2011. Regulation of gene expression and steroidogenesis in skeletal muscle of postmenopausal women : with emphasis on the effects of hormone replacement and power training. (gerontologia ja kansanterveys)
  • Rantakokko, Merja. 2011. Outdoor environment, mobility decline and quality of life among older people.
  • Nivala, Sirkka. 2010. Kokemuksellinen vanheneminen sotainvalideilla: suomalaisten sotainvalidien kokemus elämänkulustaan ja ikääntymisestään. (gerontologia ja kansanterveys)
  • Ronkainen, Paula. 2010. Towards powerful old age: association between hormone replacement therapy and skeletal muscle. (gerontologia ja kansanterveys)
  • Kulmala, Jenni. 2010. Visual acuity in relation to functional performance, falls and mortality in old age. (gerontologia ja kansanterveys)
  • Korhonen, Marko T. 2009. Effects of aging and training on sprint performance, muscle structure and contractile function in athletes. (gerontologia ja kansanterveys)
  • Bonsdorff, Mikaela von. 2009. Physical activity as a predictor of disability and social and health service use in older people. (gerontologia ja kansanterveys)
  • Portegijs, Erja. 2008. Asymmetrical lower-limb muscle strenght deficit in older people. (gerontologia ja kansanterveys)
  • Lyyra, Tiina-Mari. 2006. Predictors of mortality in old age : contribution of self-rated health, physical functions, life satisfaction and social support on survival among older people. (gerontologia ja kansanterveys)
  • Rautio, Nina. 2006. Seuruu- ja vertailututkimus sosioekonomisen aseman yhteydestä toimintakykyyn iäkkäillä henkilöillä. (gerontologia ja kansanterveys)
  • Tiikkainen, Pirjo. 2006. Vanhuusiän yksinäisyys : seuruututkimus emotionaalista ja sosiaalista yksinäisyyttä määrittävistä tekijöistä. (gerontologia ja kansanterveys)
  • Pajala, Satu. 2006. Postural balance and susceptibility to falls in older women: genetic and environmental influences in single and dual task situations. (gerontologia ja kansanterveys)
  • Palomäki, Sirkka-Liisa. 2004. Suhde vanhenemiseen: iäkkäät naiset elämänsä kertojina ja rakentajina. (gerontologia ja kansanterveys)
  • Kallinen, Mauri. 2004. Cardiovascular benefits and potential hazards of physical exercise in elderly people. (gerontologia ja kansanterveys)
  • Lampinen, Päivi. 2004. Fyysinen aktiivisuus, harrastustoiminta ja liikkumiskyky iäkkäiden ihmisten psyykkisen hyvinvoinnin ennustajina: 65-84-vuotiaiden jyväskyläläisten 8-vuotisseuruututkimus. (gerontologia ja kansanterveys)
  • Ranta, Sari. 2004. Vanhenemismuutosten eteneminen: 75-vuotiaiden henkilöiden antropometristen ominaisuuksien, fyysisen toimintakyvyn ja kognitiivisen kyvykkyyden muutokset viiden ja kymmenen vuoden seuranta-aikana. (gerontologia ja kansanterveys)
  • Rauhasalo, Anneli. 2003. Hoitoaika lyhenee – koti kutsuu: lyhythoitoinen kirurginen toiminta vanhusten itsensä kokemana. (gerontologia ja kansanterveys)
  • Leinonen, Raija. 2002. Self-rated health in old age: a follow-up study of changes and determinants. (gerontologia ja kansanterveys)
  • Helin, Satu. 2000. Iäkkäiden henkilöiden toimintakyvyn heikkeneminen ja sen kompensaatioprosessi. (gerontologia ja kansanterveys)

Tampereen yliopisto

  • Kerminen, H. (2021) Geriatric Assessment in Clinical Practice : Current Situation and Challenges in Implementation. Tampere University.
  • Lehto-Niskala, V. (2021) Toimintakyky hoivapolitiikan ja hoidon arjen risteyksessä : Ikääntyneiden ympärivuorokautisen hoidon asukkaiden, heidän perheenjäsentensä sekä hoitajien käsityksiä toimintakyvystä ja kuntoutuksesta. Tampere University.
  • Ahosola, Päivi (2018). Vanhushoivapolitiikan uusfamilismi : Omaisettomat hoivan tarvitsijat institutionaalisen hallinnan kohteena. Tampere University Press.
  • Frey Sibylle (2018). Health promotion by nurses for older persons in hospitals. Tampere University.
  • Kananen Laura (2018). Aging-associated changes in the DNA methylome and characteristics of the epigenetic clock. Tampere University.
  • Nosraty Lily (2018). Successful aging among the oldest old. Tampere University.
  • Prakash K.C. (2018). Midlife work exposures and musculoskeletal diseases, mobility limitations and disability in old age. Tampere University.
  • Enroth Linda (2017). Social inequality in the health of the oldest old : Socioeconomic differences in health, functioning, mortality and long-term care use in the population aged 90+. Tampere University.
  • Lisko Inna (2017). Obesity in the Oldest Old: Associations of body mass index and waist circumference with physical functioning and mortality. Tampere University.
  • Marttila Saara (2017). Ageing-associated changes in gene expression and DNA methylation with implications for intergenerational epigenetic inheritance. Tampere University.
  • Mylläri Elina (2017). Older People´s Perceptions of Quality of Care in the Emergency Department. Tampere University.
  • Pirhonen Jari (2017). Good Human Life in assisted Living for Older People. What the residents are able to do and be. Tampere University.
  • Puhkala Jatta (2017). Effects of Lifestyle Counselling on Cardiometabolic Risk Factors : Overweight Professional Drivers and Postpartum Women at Increased Risk for Gestational Diabetes. Tampere University.
  • Rutanen Reetta (2017). Physical Exercise, Work Ability and Quality of Life in Middle-aged Women: short- and long-term effects of a randomized controlled intervention. Tampere University.
  • Mansikkamäki Kirsi (2016). Physical training and quality of life among women during menopause. Tampere University.
  • Palonen Mira (2016). Discharge education for older patients and family members – a hypothetical mode. Tampere University.
  • Aaltonen Mari (2015). Patterns of care in the last two years of life – care transitions and places of death of old people. Tampere University.
  • Heikkinen Sari (2015). Everyday life in a new homeland. Tampere University.
  • Rokkanen Tanja (2015). The collaboration between occupational health care services and workplaces in workplace needs assessment. Tampere University.
  • Sari Heikkinen (2015). Arki uudessa kotimaassa – Entisestä Neuvostoliitosta Suomeen iäkkäinä muuttaneiden arki, sosiaaliset suhteet ja kotoutuminen (Every day life in a new homeland. Older immigrants from the former Soviet Union, their intergenerational relations, transnational networks, everyday life and integration to Finland. Tampere University.
  • Sari Kehusmaa (2015).  Hoidon menoja hillitsemässä. Heikkokuntoisten kotona asuvien ikäihmisten palvelujen käyttö, omaishoito ja kuntoutus (Containing the costs for care. Use of services, informal care and rehabilitation of frail elderly living at home). Tampere University.
  • Sakari Ritva (2013). Mobility and its decline in old age. Determinants and associated factors. Tampere University.
  • Jylhävä Juulia (2013). Cell-free DNA as a novel biomarker of aging – characterization and genetic regulation. Tampere University.
  • Neupane Subas (2013). Multi-site musculoskeletal pain among industrial workers: occurrence, determinants and consequences for work ability and sickness absence. Tampere University.
  • Romberg Anders (2013). Effects of Exercise Training on Functioning in Persons with Multiple Sclerosis. Tampere University.
  • Siukola Anna (2013). Sickness absence and working conditions in the food industry. Tampere University.
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