Individual and work-related predictors of dynamic retirement and active ageing (Dynamo)
Individual and work-related predictors of dynamic retirement and active ageing (Dynamo)
Individual and work-related predictors of dynamic retirement and active ageing (Dynamo)
This study combines research in health, personality development, work, and gerontology, in an effort to better understand how childhood and mid-adulthood personality characteristics influence retirement-related intentions in midlife and what the long term effects working life are on individuals’ health, ability to perform daily tasks, and well-being in old age from a life course perspective. The prospective 42-year follow-up study, from age 8 to 50, the Finnish Jyväskylä Longitudinal Study of Personality and Social Development (FJYLS, 1968-2009) https://www.jyu.fi/ytk/laitokset/psykologia/en/research/programs-and-projects/jyls and the Finnish Longitudinal Study of Ageing Municipal Employees (FLAME 1981-2009) will be used in this project.
The analyses will produce new scientific knowledge that is important for policy makers of aging societies with decreasing proportion of populations being in active employment. This project includes mobility periods, which will be spent at the University of Florida, in the United States and at Aalto University, School of Business.
Principle investigator
Postdoctoral researcher Monika von Bonsdorff, PhD, monika.bonsdorff[at]jyu.fi, Department of Health Sciences, University of Jyväskylä
Academy of Finland
Aalto University School of Economics, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA
Selected publications
von Bonsdorff ME, von Bonsdorff MB, Zhou Z, Kauppinen M, Miettinen M, Rantanen T, Vanhala S. Organizational justice, selection, optimization with compensation, and nurses work ability. Journal of Occupational Medicine 2014;56:326-30.