Health, functioning and longevity — Gerontologian tutkimuskeskus 11.12.2018 Gerontology Research Center;PO Box 35, FI-40014 University of Jyväskylä Street Address: Rautpohjankatu 8 Gerontology Research CenterPO Box 100FI-33014 University of Tampere Street Address: Arvo Ylpön katu 34 FI-33520 Tampere TwiittaaJaa URL: sivun URL-osoiteJaa URL: sivun URL-osoite Liittyvät julkaisut Recent publications Gerontology Research Center publications:University of Jyväskylä years 2011-2012, years 2013-2014, years 2014-2015, year 2016University of… Optimal timing of entrepreneur’s exit from business (OPTIMAL) Optimal timing of entrepreneur’s exit from business (OPTIMAL) Based on the existing retirement research, we… Services, care and politics — Gerontologian tutkimuskeskus Gerontology Research Center;PO Box 35, FI-40014 University of JyväskyläStreet Address: Rautpohjankatu 8Gerontology Research CenterPO Box…
Recent publications Gerontology Research Center publications:University of Jyväskylä years 2011-2012, years 2013-2014, years 2014-2015, year 2016University of…
Optimal timing of entrepreneur’s exit from business (OPTIMAL) Optimal timing of entrepreneur’s exit from business (OPTIMAL) Based on the existing retirement research, we…
Services, care and politics — Gerontologian tutkimuskeskus Gerontology Research Center;PO Box 35, FI-40014 University of JyväskyläStreet Address: Rautpohjankatu 8Gerontology Research CenterPO Box…