Are psychosocial symptoms and self-rated health early and shared risk factors for physical disability and cognitive decline in old age? (PSCog)
Are psychosocial symptoms and self-rated health early and shared risk factors for physical disability and cognitive decline in old age? (PSCog)
Are psychosocial symptoms and self-rated health early and shared risk factors for physical disability and cognitive decline in old age? (PSCog)
The main objective of this multidisciplinary study is to investigate, whether self-rated health, psychosocial symptoms or negative reactions to work in mid- and late life predict cognitive decline, dementia and physical disability in old age. This study will especially focus on shared risk factors for cognitive and physical decline. The study provides new knowledge about the role of mid-and late life factors and lifestyle in the multifunctional process of disablement process and cognitive decline in older people.
The study will be conducted in the Gerontology Research Centre (GRC), University of Jyväskylä, Finland and in the Aging Research Centre (ARC), Karolinska Institute, Stockholm. The applicant collaborates also with University of Eastern Finland, School of Pharmacy. Unique existing datasets (FLAME, CAIDE, GeMS) with follow-ups extended to over 30 years will be used in conducting the study. The study is funded by Academy of Finland.
Principal investigator
Postdoctoral researcher Jenni Kulmala, jenni.kulmala[at]jyu.fi, Department of Health Sciences, University of Jyväskylä
Academy of Finland
Aging Research Centre (ARC), Karolinska Institutet, Tukholma
University of Eastern Finland
National Institute of Health and Welfare
Finnish Institute of Occupational Health
Kulmala J, von Bonsdorff MB, Stenholm S, Törmäkangas T, von Bonsdorff ME, Nygård CH, Klockars M, Seitsamo J, Ilmarinen J, Rantanen T. Perceived stress symptoms in midlife predict disability in old age. A 28-year prospective cohort study. J Gerontol A Biol Sci Med Sci. 2013;Aug;68(8):984-91. doi: 10.1093/gerona/gls339
Kulmala J, Irma Nykänen, Minna Mänty, Sirpa Hartikainen. The Association between Frailty and Dementia. A Population-Based Study. Gerontology. 2013 Aug 17. [Epub ahead of print].