Individual and environmental barriers and facilitators for life-space mobility and physical activity in old age
Individual and environmental barriers and facilitators for life-space mobility and physical activity in old age
The aim of this study is to examine objectively and subjectively assessed mobility and barriers and facilitators in the outdoor environment and their relationship with life-space mobility and physical activity. This study will gain insight in environmental characteristics that enable an older person to live independently in an environment without restrictions.
In this study, longitudinal data of the “Life-Space Mobility in Old Age” (LISPE) project will be used. In addition, data of the “Program aiming to restore mobility after hip fracture” (ProMo) project will be used. This study will be carried out in 2011-2014 at the Gerontology Research Center.
Principle investigator
Postdoctoral researcher Erja Portegijs, erja.portegijs[at]jyu.fi, Department of Health Sciences, University of Jyväskylä
Academy of Finland, The future of living and housing (ASU-LIVE) programme