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MANage – a research project on men and ageing

  • 11.12.2018

MANage – a research project on men and ageing MANage is a joint project of the School of Health Sciences and School of Social Sciences and Humanities. It investigates men’s ageing from the perspectives of individual experiences of physical ageing,…

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Vitality 90+

  • 11.12.2018

Vitality 90+ The Vitality 90+ Study (in Finnish: Tervaskannot 90+) is a multidisciplinary project focusing on longevity and the oldest-old.  The sub-projects address the biological basis of aging, predictors of health, functioning and longevity, old age as an individual experience,…

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Images of ageing

  • 11.12.2018

Images of ageing Prevailing images of older people and old age as a phase of life construct attitudes towards older people by younger generations, but has also a role of how older people are thinking about themselves. Stereotypical ideas based…

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Doctoral thesis (Asymmetry)

  • 11.12.2018

Doctoral thesis (Asymmetry) Erja Portegijs. Asymmetrical lower-limb muscle strength deficit in older people. Studies in Sport, Physical Education and Health, nr 129, Jyväskylä, University of Jyväskylä. Dissertation. 2008. Gerontology Research Center;PO Box 35, FI-40014 University of JyväskyläStreet Address: Rautpohjankatu…

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