Symposium on ageing research at Tampere University 2019
TAU-AGE Symposium – Towards better ageing through science and innovations!
Longevity is the greatest achievement of the humankind, and, currently, also a global challenge. Tampere University is a central hub, where versatile, interdisciplinary, and topical research on ageing and the ageing society is carried out.
The Gerontology Research Center organizes Symposium on Ageing Research at Tampere University on June 4 2019 to bring together research and researchers from different disciplines at Tampere Universities community*.
PROGRAMME 4.6.2019
Please notice: the morning is in Finnish, whereas the sessions and posters are both in Finnish and English.
9.00 Tervetuloa
Yliopistonlehtori Kirsi Lumme-Sandt
9.15 Kuinka ikääntymisen tutkimusta tulisi kehittää?
Tutkimusvararehtori Juha Teperi
9.30 Ikääntymisen haasteet ja Tampereen yliopiston potentiaali
Professori Marja Jylhä
10.00 Vanhenen, siis elän. Miten teknologia ja sosiologiset muutokset tuovat lisäarvoa seniorielämään?
Professori emeritus Jarl-Thure Eriksson
10.30 Kommentteja
10.50 Rahoitusmahdollisuudet monitieteiselle ikääntymisen tutkimukselle
Anne Tuhkunen, tutkimusrahoituksen asiantuntija, tutkimus- ja innovaatiopalvelut
11.15 Kuinka ikääntymisen tutkija saa EU-rahaa, ja mitä sillä tehdään?
Professori Taina Rantanen, Jyväskylän yliopisto
11.45 Lounas
12.30 – 15.30 Sessiot suomeksi / sessions in English
Afterparty (at own cost) @ ravintola Telakka.
What? Plenary and thematic sessions. A poster session. A chance to get to know multidisciplinary research on ageing. Networking!
Where? On Tampere University City Centre Campus, Main building.
When? On Tuesday, 4 June
More info, submission for abstacts and registration on the website.
*The new Tampere University is created in January 2019 by the merger of the University of Tampere and Tampere University of Technology, which are joining forces to create a new foundation-based university. Tampere University, together with Tampere University of Applied Sciences, form a new higher education community. Research at Tampere Universities focuses especially on topics related to technology, health and society. Numerous research groups and networks operate in our community conducting multidisciplinary and diverse studies across organisational boundaries.