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Active ageing, life-space mobility and physical activity
Active ageing – The AGNES study
Description of the study
AGNES tietosuojailmoitus
University of Jyvaskyla Active Ageing Scale UJACAS
Study Plan Form
Research group
Tutkijaesittely: Taina Rantanen
Tutkijaesittely: Milla Saajanaho
Tutkijaesittely: Laura Karavirta
Tutkijaesittely: Katja Pynnönen
Haastattelijaesittely: Marjut Lilja
Places of Active Aging
Athlete model approach to understand the benefits of different types of regular exercise on functional capacity and musculoskeletal health in old age (Athlete Aging Study – ATHLAS)
Equality of participation in physical activity in old age (Equal-Part)
Environments supporting activity in old age: pre-, at- and post-COVID19 (ESPACE)
Gait features in different environments contributing to participation in outdoor activities in old Age (GaitAge)
Ovatko vanhat ihmiset nuortuneet? Toimintakyvyn ja koetun iän kohorttierot 28 vuoden välein arvioiduilla 75- ja 80-vuotiailla henkilöillä (Ikivihreät 2)
Bodily movement and sustaining quality of life in old age
Life-Space Mobility in Older People (LISPE)
Elinpiiri ja aktiivisena vanheneminen (Mobility and Active Aging, MIIA)
Individual physical activity profiling in older adults (PA-REFORM)
PASSWORD - promoting safe walking
Milloin ja miksi persoonallisuus ennustaa keski-ikäisten ja vanhojen ihmisten fyysistä aktiivisuutta? (PATHWAY-hanke)
Health, physical and cognitive functioning, and biological ageing
Epigeneettiset kellot ja fyysinen aktiivisuus ja toimintakyky (AGE-X)
Life course perspective for physical and cognitive functioning: Unravelling the roles of psychosocial and biological factors
Systemic and intracrine estrogen and microRNAs mediate the risk of metabolic dysfunction in middle-aged women (EsmiRs)
The Estrogenic Regulation of Muscle Apoptosis (ERMA)
Paving the way for healthy aging: analysis and development of an electronic frailty index for Finnish healthcare to identify vulnerable individuals at early stages (FINeFI)
The Finnish Twin Study on Ageing (FITSA)
Polygeeninen riskisumma fyysisen aktiivisuuden ja kardiometabolisten sairauksien kausaalisuhteissa (GenActive)
Vitality 90+
Tampere Longitudinal Study on Aging (TamELSA) / Marja Jylhä
Aging of the immune system: cellular and molecular mechanisms / Mikko Hurme
KUULE MINUA – Monitieteiset tulevaisuustyöpajat ja julkisen keskustelun syventäminen muistisairaiden ihmisten hyvän elämän edellytyksistä
Muistisairaus ja elämänlaatu – Sairastuneen ihmisen ja puolison näkökulmat
Life course, retirement and agency
Healthy and active ageing from a life course perspective – Helsinki Birth Cohort Study
Jyväskylä Longitudinal Study of Personality and Social Development (JYLS)
Vitality 90+
Workload, work ability and sickness absence in the food industry / Clas-Håkan Nygård
Proactive support of work well-being during structural changes in the work / Clas-Håkan Nygård
Work, health and work ability in midlife and in the old age (FLAME) / Clas-Håkan Nygård
MANage – a research project on men and ageing / Ilkka Pietilä and Hanna Ojala
Towards a Two-speed Finland? / Pirjo Nikander, Kirsi Lumme-Sandt, Clas-Håkan Nygård
Ageing and Social Well-Being (SoWell)
Services, care and politics
Centre of Excellence in Research on Ageing and Care
MAY – Mielen hyvinvointi ja asumispalvelujen ympäristö
Vitality 90+
New dynamic of longevity and the changing needs for services (COCTEL) / Marja Jylhä
The functionality and the quality of the geriatric service chain / Esa Jämsen and Jaakko Valvanne
ASUVA – New housing options in old age / Outi Jolanki
Centre of Excellence in Research on Ageing and Care
Archived projects
Evergreen project
The retirement process of entrepreneurs: retirement plans, decision making, transition and adjustment to life in retirement (ENTREPRENEUR)
Asymmetry – Muscle strength and power in old age: special emphasis on lower limb asymmetry, mobility and balance
Counselling for Physical Activity, Life-Space Mobility and Falls Prevention in Old Age (COSMOS)
Geographic characteristics, outdoor mobility and physical activity in old age (GEOage)
Hearing, remembering and living well: Paying attention to challenges that older adults face in noisy environments (HEARATTN)
Optimal timing of entrepreneur’s exit from business (OPTIMAL)
Understanding and combating age related muscle weakness (MYOAGE)
Mobility recovery after hip fracture: Physical activity and rehabilitation program among community-dwelling older men and women recovering from hip fracture (ProMo)
Volunteer work, Outdoor Activity and Wellbeing in older people – VOW
Sarcopenia, Aging, Women and Estrogen (SAWEs)
Work, retirement and active aging (WRACA)
Exercise, workability and coping at work among middle-aged women
Improving occupational health with health technology
Genetics of Healthy Ageing (GEHA)
Moving in Old Age: Transitions in Housing and Care (MOVAGE)
Completed doctoral theses
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Johanna Ahola
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Johanna Ahola
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